Founder & Owner

my why explained

all love is welcome here

There's no doubt that I am a people person to my core. I come from a large family that holds the value of togetherness at the forefront over anything. Small spaces crammed with all of your favorite people while listening to stories being shared over a meal = my core memories. They are why I picked up a camera, because I wanted to be able to feel the laughter coming from each room and the love that you can't describe through words. That's why wedding days are so special to me. They bring me back to those crowded family gatherings with smiles and laughter and happy tears.

It's an honor to be a part of your core memories and my goal is that you can look back on your photos and be able to go right back to that moment. 

hi i'm rachel. a fashion loving, wild side encouraging, schedule loving, take-charge photographer at your service!

Honesty hour:

What I'm 

What I'm 

What I'm 



All about

  • Reading a good book with a cozy blanket and unplugging!
  • The cool air + changing of the seasons. It's such a simple reminder that change is necessary and good.
  • Making more time for things that keep me inspired + recharged so I can give you my BEST self.
  • The good always outweighs the bad. It's all about perspective.
  • Every single day I am learning about myself and who I am supposed to be just by raising my babies! It is the biggest honor to be their Mom.
  • Even when you have it all planned out, it still might not go to plan, but it is however you make it. So make it good <3
  • Loving on your people and reminding them how much they mean to you. Life is too damn short!!! 
  • Good outfits don't have to be saved for special occasions!!
  • Being true to who I am and embracing that because my people will find me :)

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